The Beaver Creek Project by The  Life Styled Co
From The Life Styled Co Portfolio #BeaverCreekProject

The Beaver Creek Project by The Life Styled Co

When I first laid eyes on this project by The Life Styled Co I instantly fell in love with this home. The colors, the perfect mixture of textures that make the whole house inviting and cozy. There is not one room that is not perfection. And every room draws you in screaming to be used and enjoyed. The wood, stone, grand ceilings, sheer curtains, light fixtures, amazing fireplaces, and all the cozy throw blankets make this the perfect cabin home retreat during the winter season and every day of the year. Oh boy would I love seeing these home decked out for the winter holidays. If you would love to see the rest of the pictures of this gorgeous home head over to see The Life Styled Co's Portfolio on their amazing website. They just keep growing their portfolio with amazing cozy homes that will leave you wanting more. All the pictures are from their website.