Thoughts on the Arts and Crafts Night

Thoughts on the Arts and Crafts Night

When I set up the table for an arts and crafts table the other day, I honestly had no theme and honestly no idea what I wanted it to look like. I was sure of one thing though I wanted to include two of the things I like doing the most which is wax sealing and collaging. And it somehow led to an impulse to just bring out most of the arts and crafts supplies I own. I think it ended up looking like a hot mess at the end of the night, but I hope the idea of letting loose and just going wild with those supplies came through. Oh yeah and also that it is meant to be an arts and crafts get together.

I have so many ideas now looking at it. Where I placed the candles or the magazines, I could have placed a beautiful, delicious charcuterie board along with a nice alcoholic beverage if I was doing something a little fancier for the guests and me. I could have also done a pizza and salad kind of gathering. I mean who does not like to eat a little snack before starting a long night of arts and crafts. A little fuel goes a long way. A couple pastries or a cake from a nice bakery like Paris Baguette and a cup of joe would not hurt either. Some homemade burgers with fresh crunchy fries or chips if you prefer. Even better do it potluck style. Everyone pitching in and bringing in their favorite dishes, desserts, or drinks. I mean you could even make that a weekly get together were each friend or family member shares their recipe and cooks right in front of you while sharing tips and tricks. Ok maybe just one get together were people exchange recipes. You could also do that trend going around Tik Tok where every guest takes a different theme or color of snacks and drinks. I mean have fun with this whole party planning. Oh god I should tell myself that.

I envision people wax sealing, collaging, maybe even sketching or painting the pumpkin centerpiece in the middle of the table for a little painting or drawing they could hang in their house this upcoming fall/Halloween. Even drawing or writing a phrase or quote on the white plates with the permanent markers would be nice as well. The guests could have even painted the napkins. They could have written journal entries or decorated their daily journal. If I had supplied washi tapes that I already own and other little pen pal must haves we could have randomly selected at random and wrote our first pen pal letter to each other. It would be a good idea of breaking the ice, I think that is how you say it, especially if some of the members are new or you want to get to know each other even more in depth. It could also be a weekly, biweekly, or monthly thing that a group of friends can do. Exchanging pen pal letters and spicing it up with different members every week. We could also have made these cool 3D paper toys I found online like the yellow Totoro shown on the picture below.

Another idea is for every member to host a different type of arts and crafts party. If it is too much money for one person to host it everyone could just pitch in for materials. I mean the themes are endless. Rember potlucks. Every single guest could take for example the cups if you guys are painting mugs or cups for a loved one as a gift and another the painting materials. You can also do candle making, wreaths, ornament decorating or making, painting, stamps, flower arranging, baking, pinatas, stickers and clay things. You could also host a party were people have fun making their own table settings. All you need is a table, a camera and things to dress up your table. Everyone could just take turns and once again your guests might even offer to bring their cake stand, plates, chargers, utensils, balloons, or napkins. I mean even if you only have a few things, you will be surprised how everyone can do something different even when given the same materials. I would personally love to host a party where all my immediate family decorates my parents' house for Christmas. Especially the teenagers since I think they would want to participate more than the adults. I mean it could be for any holiday.

I still have so many things to learn if I ever want to host a successful party. But I love decorating for them and until I am a professional at it, I will keep coming up with different table settings and more. And I shall leave the hosting to my sister who is the real deal when it comes to hosting and making you feel right at home. Thank you, sis, for always making us feel welcomed and making our bellies full whenever we visit you.

Thanks for reading and if you are able to do something really fun before summer ends don't miss out and do it. Hey why not even host a party. Just kidding till next time.