Delicious Easy Crab Recipe

Delicious Easy Crab Recipe

A while ago I bought a crab to try for the first time. To be honest we did not know how to even cook it but my mom suggested boiling it. She is also the chef behind this amazing tasty recipe.

She quickly put all these ingredients together. We were not sure it was even going to taste good but man were we surprised how full of flavor and yummy it was once cooked.

My mom quickly put a pot big enough for 2 crabs to boil in the stovetop at high heat. Right away when she put the pot of water on the heat she added a whole onion, a whole head of garlic, 9 bay leaves, 10 pieces of cloves, 22 balls of pepper, 8 sprigs of thyme and salt.

We boiled the crab for 13 minutes and it came out perfect. The crab was added when the water was boiling.

It was so tender, juicy and packed with flavor. The flavor was in the crab meat from the legs all the way to the inside. For us it was perfect and we hope to make it again soon.

Hope you give this recipe a try and remember to try the water with the boiled ingredients before adding the crab to adjust the salt if its lacking. Thanks and until next time.