Celebrating Chinese New Year
Rotinrice.com(lunar year candy box)

Celebrating Chinese New Year

picture from Junebug Weddings

Every year I am excited to decorate for and celebrate chinese new years. I look forward to this holiday probably even more than regular new years day. This year I bought the balloons in the picture above from amazon to hang on the ceiling. Since I did not buy red envelopes, I plan to make my own simple ones. The most exciting thing for me this year is that I will be able to decorate with lots of mandarin oranges since luckily this year there is an abundance of them in the backyard. But most importantly is the delicious meal we plan on eating that day. Last but not least, giving my family members sunflower seeds, pistachios for happiness, mandarin oranges for wealth and prosperity, dried apples for peace and harmony, pineapple for good luck and prosperity, and peanuts for good health and longevity.